Senin, 24 November 2014

22. INVOINCE Nurul Amaliyah (Raise OGCDP)




Bill to: Invoice date: November 20th, 2014

Nurul Amaliyah Due date: November 24th, 2014

Description Qty Price Amount

GCDP 1 Rp 1.500.000 Rp 1.500.000

Total Amount to Pay Rp 1.500.000;postID=3597357933656529764
Please send your confirmation with receipt attached

Dora Valeria Purba

Vice President of Finance and Governance

AIESEC UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Contact Person: +62857 6543 9007

AIESEC Local Committee Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

| | | FB: AIESEC UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta | Twitter: AIESEC_UPNVY

| Gedung AS II-2 FISIP UPNVY | Babarsari No. 2 Tambak Bayan - Sleman 55283 | Yogyakarta – Indonesia |


TD :
SD :

Application Form

For more details please contact:
Mustika Jati
+62 89 637 359 280


Thank you for showing interest in AIESEC Global Youth Ambassador Programme. Once you have read the form and are interested in applying, please follow these steps below.
  1. Complete all sections of this application form.
  2. Please attach to the application the following documents:
    -  Resume in English:
    1. International Standard Curriculum Vitae
    2. Parents Permission Letter, written and signed by parents*
    3. Motivation Letter
-  1 passport-sized photographs
  1. AIESEC GYAP selection fee is 2,500,000 IDR (exclude: passport, VISA, flight ticket, and others personal preparation), the payment will be:
-       Rp 1.500.000,- as Raise fee that will be paid before Exchange Participants Signed the Contract
-       1.000.000 after having project (matched)

* If you stay separated of your parents, you can ask the guardian or proxy of your parents. It has to be written and signed by parents/guardian/proxy (scan it to submit).
1.      Please send the application kit to
*All in PDF format in 1 ZIP folder naming Full Name_ApplyGYAP_University*

Application form

Part 1: Personal Information
Last name

First Name(s)
Nurul Amaliyah

Date of Birth (dd-mm-yy)
22nd of January 1996
Place of Birth
Home Address
Jadan, RT 01, RW 12, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta

City/ Postcode

Phone Number
Mobile Number


Passport No.
A 8603497
Passport Exp. Date
14 Aug 2019
Emergency contact:
Kamal Tanjung
Phone number
Part 2: Personal Resume

The languages listed below (except native languages) must be tested and certified by a language professional (on student contract) according to AIESEC evaluation standards.
The levels are: Native, Excellent, Good and Basic.

Language(s)                               Speaking            Understanding              Writing                   Reading                   Overall
Spoken                                            Level                        Level                        Level                        Level                        Level
1.                                                                                                                                                                  1                                1
2.                                                           2                                2                                                                                                      
3.                                                                                                                                3                                                                   

Organizational Experience
Please enter any relevant work experience you have had:

Duration (months)
Scout UMY
Staff of director
I am Working in PDD every events
Staff of director
 I am working in society   
Second chief
I controlled my member    
6 months     
GUDEP 06-169
Staff of director
I worked in equipment     
6 months
  I controlled my member and joined many events    
2 years


PART 3: General Questions

What is your motivation applying for AIESEC Global Youth Ambassador Program? 

For increase my experience, my knowledge and because I love traveling much


Please list down 3 things you would like to achieve the most from Leadership Opportunities and International Internship/Exchange in AIESEC? List it separately!

·         For have responsibilities
·         Able speak many kind of language
·         To be a provisional person

What kind of Global Issue that you interested in? Please describe why! (It can be more than one)

Others : ....
1.    Cultural
Because I love cultural much, and I like something new and unique in my life
Ex: the culture in Italia, Japan and India.

2.    Environment
Agriculture is my background so I have to understand agriculture in many country, it is will help me to do something new in Indonesia after I back from many country

What is the biggest challenge in Indonesian society now and how it is related to you?

Raising of import
Indonesia is a biggest country of agriculture, but why we do import?
I think this is the biggest problem in Indonesia so I will increase import and decrease export it is will help Indonesia economic matters


Do you have financial problem to go for this exchange experience? (Accommodation will be provided but you have to pay the fee for selection, administration, preparation, ticket, and visa by yourself).

No, I have not

When is your availability time to do the internship?

January – February 2015

April – May 2015

July – August 2015


This is a brief estimation budget for going Exchange. This budget roughly can cover for 6 weeks Exchange in these countries (exclude the selection, administration, and preparation fee paid to AIESEC):

     Rp 5.000.000 – Rp 7.000.000 (ASEAN Countries)
     Rp 8.000.000 – Rp 12.000.000 (South Asia Countries)
     Rp 12.000.000 – Rp 18.000.000 (East Asia Countries)
     Rp 18.000.000 – Rp 22.000.000 (Eastern Europe)
     > Rp 22.000.000 (Central Europe and Beyond)

Part 4: Survey Questions
From where did you hear AIESEC for the first time?
Social media
Other, please specify: ……

What word comes up in your mind first when you know or think about AIESEC?
Just another student organization
Applicant Declaration

Please read carefully and indicate your agreement by signing the declaration.

1.    I have read the Terms and Conditions for applying an AIESEC internship.
2.    If selected, I am prepared to participate in the required activities and various stages of the program, including learning activities in the preparation, integration and re-integration stages of the program.
3.    I have checked the application and it is to the best of my knowledge complete and factual, with all necessary attachments.
4.    I have the adaptability, open-mindedness, awareness and maturity to handle the challenges of an ambassador exchange program in a different country and culture.
5.    I have the ability to cover travel and other related costs to the location of the traineeship I am matched to.
6.    I am willing to sit an interview selection.
7.    I understand that my role as an AIESEC Ambassador from Indonesia is to act as an ambassador of Indonesia and a representative of Indonesian Culture.

Signature:                                                                              Date:   11th of Nov 2014

Print Name: Nurul Amaliyah Tanjung


AIESEC is the world's largest student-run organisation, providing over 16,000 international experiences in more than 124 countries and territories each year. AIESEC provides young people the opportunity to develop leadership skills, build a personal network, work abroad, and explore the direction and ambition of their future.
About Global Community Development Program

AIESEC Global Youth Ambassador Program provides an international volunteer experience for (6-10 weeks) through which young people in the world and develop themselves while creating positive impact on society. 
These internships are related to working with NGOs, organization and schools in projects which are meant to have a positive impact on society. They consist of volunteer work and typically are in developing countries.

Application Process

1. Selection processes
This is the first selection stage, you have to submit the form, CV and motivation letter (compile in   the Blue/brown map). If you pass this stage, you can move to interview selection.
2. EP contract & Raising
If you are selected, you have to sign a contract to be an AIESEC Exchange Participant for Global Youth Ambassador Programme, and after that you will get EP Buddy from AIESEC who will assist you in the raising process. You will have an account in in which we search for the project. You have to pay Rp. 1.500.000,- for this stage.
3. Induction
In this stage, you will divided into a group and get an introduction of AIESEC.
4. Matching with the country
In this stage, you will search for the suitable project and you will be assisted by your EP Buddy. Once you get the suitable project and get selected in one country, you will be matched in the system and you need to pay Rp. 1.000.000,-.
5. AIESEC Preparation
Once you get your Project, You will be assist to get Exchange Preparation in our 2 days seminar consist of AIESEC, Cultural, Logistic, and Professional and working Preparation.
6. Exchange
In this Stage, Your Exchange Experiences begin, you’ll face many challenging experiences, And Go out From your Comfort Zone!
7. Reintegration
This is the last stage of your Exchange Experiences, once you got back to Your home country, you’ll get another Opportunity to Join and Experiences AIESEC UPNVY. (National & International Conferences, Projects, Management Boards, etc).
*PS :
Exchange Participant MUST done all of the exchange process before they go for exchange
The Exchange Participant will be reponsible with flight ticket, visa and all of personal things for their own.


Yang bertandatangan dibawah ini, saya
Nama lengkap : Kamal Tanjung
Alamat                        : Link. Kebun Sayur, Sidorejo, Rantauprapat, Medan, SUMUT
Adalah Wali/Orangtua* dari Anggota AIESEC LC UPNVY yang bernama Nurul Amaliyah Tanjung
Melalui surat ini menyatakan bahwa saya mengizinkan dan mendukung keputusan anak saya untuk melamar posisi sebagai Exchange Participants AIESEC Komite Lokal UPNVY.
Izin dan dukungan ini saya berikan dengan pertimbangan matang dan kesadaran penuh dengan telah membaca dan mengerti peran anak saya dalam organisasi ini apabila terpilih, serta situasi dan kondisi yang mungkin terjadi.
Saya telah mengerti bahwa keterlibatan anak saya apabila terpilih sebagai Exchange Participants Komite Lokal akan banyak menyita waktu luang, pikiran, tenaga, dan finansialnya, namun saya percaya bahwa semua itu adalah investasi bagi pengembangan potensi anak saya sebagai seorang individu dan sebagai seorang professional, agar menjadi pribadi yang berkualitas di masa datang.


                                                                                                (           Kamal Tanjung                        )

Exchange Participants
Exchange Participants Adalah anggota AIESEC yang sedang mengikuti program exchange dari AIESEC (Pertukaran Mahasiswa) untuk mengembangkan dirinya maupun lingkungan sekitarnya.
Kewajiban Exchange Participants
Dibawah ini adalah sejumlah tanggung jawab menjadi Exchange Participants:
  1. Mendorong organisasi untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik dan lebih relevan bagi masyarakat,
  2. Memastikan kemajuan organisasi untuk meraih tujuan, visi, dan nilai organisasi melalui pengimplementasian program, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pencatatan pencapaian)
  3. Mengembangkan kompetensi inti AIESEC melalui pelaksanaan program dan proyek.
  4. Mewakili AIESEC di tingkat global dan nasional**
  5. Membangun kerjasama (partnership) dan pemahaman Antar Budaya(Cultural Understanding)
  6. Menjaga integritas, keterbukaan, dan transparansi pada pihak-pihak terkait

**Menanggung Biaya Yang Mungkin Diperlukan (diharuskan):
  1. Exchange Administration Fee**
  2. Flight Ticket Ke Negara Tujuan **
  3. Biaya Hidup Dan Keperluan Sehari Hari (Apabila Tidak di Sediakan)**
  4. Lain Lain seperti Visa, Merchandise, Asuransi dan sebagainya**